Northern Ireland Curriculum

In keeping with the aims of the revised Northern Ireland Curriculum, we aim to empower young people to develop their potential and to make informed and reasonable choices and decisions throughout their lives.
The Curriculum's objectives are here to help young people to develop:
- As individuals
- As contributors to society
- As contributors to the economy and the environment.
Bready Jubilee Primary School follows the Northern Ireland Curriculum, which is the statutory requirement for all schools. This provides for a broad and balanced education, which will be delivered in an atmosphere that encourages optimum personal achievement. These are the main areas of study:
- English Language and Literacy
- Mathematics and Numeracy
- The World Around Us
- The Arts
- Physical Education
- Personal Development and Mutual Understanding
- Religious Education
The cross curricular skills of Communication, Using Mathematics and Using ICT along with Thinking Skills and Personal capabilities are infused within all areas of study and incorporate dinto the pupil's learning.
Since 2021 our school has become a PATHs School. The PATHs programme promotes the positive mental health and well being of pupils in school. To find out more about PATHs visit